Lab & Learn


Experience our Lab & Learn Workshop! Dive into the world of body care products, where you'll have the opportunity to create your own personalized items. From luxurious body scrubs to nourishing lip balms, we're here to explore the art of crafting natural and customized products tailored to your preferences.

Purpose: Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and skills to craft your own body care products using simple, natural ingredients. Not only is making your own products fun and rewarding, but it also allows you to control what goes onto your skin, ensuring that you're using safe and wholesome ingredients.

What to Expect: Throughout the workshop, you'll have the chance to engage in hands-on activities, guided by our expert chemist, Shania Williams. We'll walk you through each step of the crafting process, providing tips and tricks along the way to help you create products that suit your unique needs and preferences.

It's For You: Whether you are ready for a girl's night out, planning a unique experience for a party, or looking for a STEM workshop roll up our sleeves, get creative, and embark on this exciting journey together with our Lab & Learn workshop.

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